Selasa, Desember 17, 2024

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Rhino USA Born Harapan Start to Adapt in TNWK East Lampung

Sumtran Rhino Harapan start to adapt in his new habitat | Winar/
Sumtran Rhino Harapan start to adapt in his new habitat | Winar/ – Sumatera Rhino USA Born in Cincinati Zoo, Harapan, start to adapt in National Park Way Kambas (TNWK) East Lampung.

To, Thursday, 05 /11 /2015, Veterinarian TNWK Zulfi Arsan said, in general the conditions Harapan is no worrying  and could be said in good condition.

There minor injuries in the body, because of a collision while flying in a cage while in transit. “When up and removed from the cage, it was not until 5 minutes straight Harapan start eating and drinking. However, for now Expectations are not too much activity and many breaks, “he said.

Zulfi says, has been providing for Harapan puddles like in their natural place. This is so he quickly adapted to his new environment.

“The first we create pools of small size and still shallow. But Harapan to expand and deeper the puddle. We could say expectations are now familiar with the natural behavior of rhinos in the wild. But there are still adjustments to be passed expectations, “he said.

Harapan rhinoceros recently submitted by the zoo of Cincinnati Zoo United States to be able to live in their ancestral native habitat.(*)

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